Colleagues celebrated at virtual awards

Colleagues from across Lincolnshire Co-op have been celebrated for their outstanding efforts during the coronavirus pandemic.
The community retailer would normally hold a glitzy awards ceremony to honour teams across the business, but due to restrictions it wasn’t possible this year.
So instead, the Society held a week-long virtual celebration which culminated in all 2,900 colleagues working for Lincolnshire Co-op being given an award and a £50 gift to celebrate their achievements over the past year.
Gold, silver, and bronze Branch of the Year awards – based on factors including positive customer feedback and service delivery – were also given out during the week.
Additional special awards were also given to 23 colleagues across the Society who had gone above and beyond.
The Society’s Chief Executive, Ursula Lidbetter said: “Our award-winning Branches of the Year have all excelled in the providing their valued services, despite the challenges of the pandemic. And our individual winners have demonstrated everything that makes us special as an organisation.
“Every colleague has played a part this year, so it’s fantastic that we are able to celebrate our collective achievements, as well as individual accolades.”
Watch the video below to see some highlights from the week of celebration...
Full list of award winners:
Post Office
Post Office of the Year Gold
Chapel St Leonards
Post Office of the Year Silver
Trelawney Crescent, Lincoln
Travel Branch
Travel Branch of the Year Gold
Travel Branch of the Silver
Funeral Branch
Funeral Branch of the Year Gold
Funeral Branch of the Year Silver
Funeral Administration Team
Food Store
Food Store of the Year Gold
Barnbygate, Newark
Food Store of the Year Silver
Long Bennington
Food Store of the Year Bronze
Cambridge Road, Grimsby
Pharmacy Branch
Pharmacy Branch of the Year Gold
Pharmacy Branch of the Year Silver
Liquorpond, Boston
Pharmacy Branch of the Year Bronze
Individual Awards
Colleagues of the Year Helpful:
Anna Robinson
Nikki Turner
Sean Robinson
Matt Golding
Gary Jackson
Claire Duffield
Nick Wood
Tony Spear
Colleagues of the Year Inspiring:
Beth Geraghty
Stacey Hudson
Kay Creasey
Gosia Czerniak
Irene Bailey
Pharmacy Hub Team
Julie Holmes-Boardman
Natalie Watson
Colleagues of the Year Trustworthy:
Rebecca Ealam
Tracy Moss
Kay Middleton
Tony Hayer
Sarah Pepperdine
Colleagues of the Year Community Difference
Charlotte Cross
Emma Bell
Fiona Bristow