Learning at Work Week - Pooja's journey

During Learning at Work week, we celebrated our colleagues' achievements over the last year. We heard inspiring stories about their learning journeys at Lincolnshire Co-op and shared resources and advice so colleagues could explore their own personal and professional development.
For Heckington Pharmacist Manager Pooja Shingdia, learning has been a lifelong experience. After starting the Emerging Leaders Development Programme, Pooja has found this experience has given her a new mindset when it comes to troubleshooting, time management, and handling issues – big and small.
Her development is ongoing, as she is now starting a doctorate in pharmacy and is looking forward to the opportunities and extra knowledge this will bring. By taking on the additional role of community hospital pharmacist at the Butterfly Hospice in Boston, Pooja can gain varied experience, teaching her to help patients more effectively.
In her everyday life, she regularly reflects on her learning from the Emerging Leaders programme. Pooja said: “It’s no understatement that this programme helps you realise and achieve your potential!”
Watch the video below to hear more about Pooja's learning journey.